Thursday, October 29, 2015

Week 2 Day 2-Isaac and Ishmael

Abram tells Sarai the good news that he would have a son, and they wait.  Several years pass and still no baby, so Sarai takes matters into her own hands.  Feeling she was the problem with God's  promise not being fulfilled, she allows Abram to father a child with Hagar, her maidservant.
This type of surrogate motherhood was common in that day.  It had been more than ten years since they had received the promise.  When Hagar becomes pregnant, it probably sunk in, and Sarai realized that she was the problem.  She began to hate Hagar and was mean to her.
Hagar flees, but the Angel of the Lord found her and told her to return and submit to Sarai.  He promised that he would  multiply her descendants.  Her child would be named, Ishmael, and he would be a wild man.

The Lord appeared to Abram again and reminded him of His promise.  He changed his name to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah.

Abram means "noble father", but Abraham means "father of many".
Sarai means "my princess", but Sarah means "the princess".

God tells Abraham (who is 100 years old) that Sarah (who is 99 years old) will bear him a son.  
Sarah bore a son to Abraham and they named him Isaac.

One day Sarah finds Ishmael making fun of Isaac and she has them (Ishmael and Hagar) sent away. 
The author explains, "Remember I told you this story related to the news you might watch tonight? Let me lay  down a piece of information to put it into context.  Ishmael is the father of the Arab people, and Isaac is the father of the Jews.  You know, the two people groups that still despise each other and battle over everything from land rights to religion? Yeah, them." (p44)

Abraham's faith is tested.  God asks him to go to a mountain and sacrifice his son, Isaac.  Once again, he is obedient- he goes.  I'm sure every step of that journey had to be excruciating.  

Why would God ask such a thing?

He wanted a total commitment from Abraham. 

Up to that point, he had not fully trusted God.  He  left his homeland, but brought along his father and cousin, Lot when God had asked him to leave his country and family.  When faced with famine, he moved to a city instead of trusting God, and he lied about Sarai being his sister.  


This was Abraham's defining moment.  This was where his faith was revealed.  At this point, God knew Abraham was fully committed.

Are we totally committed to Christ?  

Often, the cares of life or self seeking interests keep us from totally surrendering to God.  

Are we too busy for God?

Maybe we need to take a look at our life- our schedule- our priorities ... and regroup.


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