Friday, May 6, 2016

King Saul

The people chose Saul and Samuel anointed him as king.  At first, he showed humility and even had some heroic feats as he led the army and saved Jabesh Gilead. (1 Sam 11)  He formed his government and the Spirit of God came upon him.  Saul did not continue in the right path.  He offered a burnt offering instead of waiting on Samuel who was supposed to do it.  Saul broke the commandment of the Lord.  Samuel spoke to him, "You have done foolishly... Your kingdom shall not continue.  The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over His people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you." (1 Sam 13:13-14)

God sends Samuel to Bethlehem to the home of Jesse to anoint the new new king.  Jesse brings all of his sons to Samuel except David who is in the field tending the sheep.  Each son stood before Samuel, but they were not the one.  Finally, he asked if Jesse had any more sons and they sent for David.  God wanted a man after His own heart and He chose David.

We can have a heart like that. God wants us to bring our whole heart to Him- every single bit of it. He can take what’s been broken and mend it. He can use that brokenness to mend others. Once again, God wants to know- where is your heart? We have filled our heart with many things and left little room for God.

Just as Jesse didn’t bring David in from the field, we are often overlooked. Maybe you are the least in your family or you feel that way at work- God looks on the heart! Devote yourself fully to God and He can take insecurities and make them secure. 2 Chron 16:9 says, “the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”

The Spirit of the Lord left Saul and a distressing spirit comes upon him. They searched for someone who could play the harp and help calm him in these time. David was chosen. Saul loved him greatly. 

David would occasionally return to care for his father’s sheep. Jesse sent him to take a care package to his brothers who were serving in battle. When he got there, he saw that Saul and his army was being taunted by Goliath. David asked- who is this Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God? Eliab (David's brother) discouraged David as well as Saul, but he came against the giant in the name of the Lord.  David does not discuss the odds, but his focus is on what God can do. Goliath came against them both morning and night for 40 days. He ran to meet the challenge.
1 Sam 17

David did not listen to the negative talk. Often, people who know us the best encourage us the least- they do not build our confidence. But, like David, our confidence is in the Lord! The enemy will come against us both day and night. We do not put on another person’s armor to fight. The Word of God is our only offensive weapon and it’s all we need. Many stumble in life because they do not use the Sword of the Spirit. There are many giants that we face each day. We have to run toward them, like David, in the name of the Lord with our Sword. How many of us run toward our challenges? Our giants may be bills, career, mistakes, unhealthy relationships, addictions, our marriage, our calling…

Don’t hide in fear, but trust in God. 

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