Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Tormented by her past, she cried out to God, not knowing if He would listen this time.  She had been at this point on several different occasions, but somehow she always ended up returning to the swine.  The prodigal son was forgiven once, but she had lost count of the times that she had messed up.  How many times would God pick her up?  She felt unworthy to even ask.

She had walked in fulfillment of her own desires, things that surfaced and somehow pushed away reason.  It wasn't that she planned to stray, it just happened- and then sorrow would overtake her.  Sin had a debt and she was paying it back little by little- often in ways that no one knew and she didn't realize until close examination revealed it.  But, she could live with that because it was so much less than she felt she deserved.

She was on her feet now and had been for quite a while.  Growing stronger in redemption daily, she felt that she was finally victorious.  She was still surrounded by accusers- ready to pelt her with judgmental stones, but God's love is greater than any other and she knew that His approval was all that mattered.

So, give her another chance.  Let those that are strong uphold the weak.  As the body of Christ, allow the Balm of Gilead to heal the hurt and restore health so that every member can function to its fullest potential.  Remember, if one part of the body is in pain, the whole body should feel it and rejoice when the healing comes.

She is redeemed!  She no longer lives in the miry clay.  Rejoice with her and be glad, for her  "hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption."  (Psalm 130:7)

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